About Us

Our Philosophy

We use the latest scientific research in neuroscience to transform individuals and organizations from the inside out. Our programs are designed to implement lasting and practical solutions, empowering individuals to initiate and lead change within their teams, families, and social circles, inspiring the transformation they desire to see in society.
We recognize the current paradigm of stress and burnout, which the World Health Organization has identified as the pandemic of the 21st century. In response, we work with youth and organizations to combat these challenges, facilitating change at both individual and group levels.
Corporations today are undergoing tremendous changes, which, if not appropriately managed, can lead to stress, low morale, and reduced employee productivity. Similarly, the education sector is encountering rapid shifts during this challenging time following the COVID-19 pandemic. Both sectors face numerous uncertainties, requiring quick, flexible, and effective responses. At CTFY, we address these issues by working with organizations across industries to implement strategies that manage these transitions effectively, enhance overall resilience and productivity, and deliver sustainable change.
Our Philosophy

Our Programs

We use the latest scientific research in neuroscience to transform individuals and organizations from the inside out. Our programs are designed to implement lasting and practical solutions, empowering individuals to initiate and lead change within their teams, families, and social circles, inspiring the transformation they desire to see in society.
We recognize the current paradigm of stress and burnout, which the World Health Organization has identified as the pandemic of the 21st century. In response, we work with youth and organizations to combat these challenges, facilitating change at both individual and group levels.
Corporations today are undergoing tremendous changes, which, if not appropriately managed, can lead to stress, low morale, and reduced employee productivity. Similarly, the education sector is encountering rapid shifts during this challenging time following the COVID-19 pandemic. Both sectors face numerous uncertainties, requiring quick, flexible, and effective responses. At CTFY, we address these issues by working with organizations across industries to implement strategies that manage these transitions effectively, enhance overall resilience and productivity, and deliver sustainable change.

Our Why

We believe today’s leaders are uniquely positioned to transform their organizations into catalysts for social responsibility and economic success.

We believe that true change within organizations begins from the inside out. Enhancing engagement, creativity, and productivity boosts financial outcomes.
We believe in nurturing our youth, the future leaders, by providing them with love, compassion, and the understanding that happiness stems from within.
We believe in empowering young people to ignite their inner light, discover their purpose, and pursue their journey with courage and joy.
We believe that by fostering a universal sense of connection and empathy in our youth, we inspire them to lead conscious organizations that can transform our world into a more peaceful and prosperous place.


Transforming Mental Health through Advocacy, Education, and Innovation

At CTFY, we are dedicated to revolutionizing mental health support through robust advocacy, comprehensive education, and innovative, data-driven solutions. Our mission is to empower individuals across all stages of life—children, parents, employees, and leaders—with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance mental well-being. We inspire and transform individuals, businesses, and organizations into thriving, cohesive cultures that benefit all stakeholders and positively impact the world.
Through our enriching courses, we guide participants on a journey of self-discovery using techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and mindset training. Our curriculum explores the science of biology, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, quantum physics, and neuroscience, shedding light on the physiological effects of mental health issues and providing actionable strategies for lasting change. Our unique approach seamlessly integrates the study of stress’s physiological impact with the principles of neuroplasticity, fostering remarkable improvements in mental health across diverse demographic groups.

Our Approach

We guide youth to learn how to investigate and navigate their own internal thoughts and feelings.

Individual Change

We guide school leaders, teachers, and parents towards supporting youth through safe and engaging communication.

Community Change

We guide organizations to lay a foundational framework that fosters lasting change within their community.

System Change

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

- Albert Einstein